我的房间英语作文5句_my room英语作文50字

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介绍我的房间英语作文5句话 写作思路:简单介绍自己的房间,把自己房间的一些物体所在的方位写出来即可。 This is my room. 这是我的房间。 It is smal but nice. 它很小但是很...我的房间英语作文 篇1 I live in a flat.When you go in you come into the hall. The toilet is on the left and the bathroom is on the right. There are t...

?ω? 例如:将手机放在另一个房间、断开家中WiFi等。 建议五:加入集体活动 加入一些集体活动,例如:打球、旅游、聚餐等。这样可以让我们更好的与人交流,增强社交能力,...我的卧室英语作文5句 我的卧室英语作文1 Hi, my name is Anne. Look, this is my bedroom.It's small but nice. I have a big bed and it is very soft . There is a toy dog...

我的房间英语作文 篇5 My room is very simple but warm. My room’s color is white. At first, I think it is too drap, but now think it is comfortable for not too muc...我的房间英文作文 篇1 I have a lovely bedroom. It is small but clean and beautiful. The wall is light green and the floor is white. There is a bed in...

>▽< My room 我的房间 My room is not big but very clean.我的房子不大,但很干净。 There is a bed in the room .房间里有一张床。 There is also a desk and a chair beside the bed...我的房间英文作文 篇1 My room is very simple but warm. My room’s color is white. At first, I think it is too drap, but now think it is comfortable for not too much colo...